Thursday, 24 April 2014

Testing, testing!

This is my first post on my blog which is (spoiler alert!) likely to be quite dull for the next few weeks as I'm stuck at home recovering from a rather painful operation. I've got no dog clients or training classes for a whole month and I'm beginning to wonder how I'm going to cope without my daily dose of doggy! Jack will obviously keep me topped up but I'm a self-confessed dog-spotting geek that notices every pooch within a mile radius and can't help but comment on their behaviour/tail/ears/coat/gait/lead/collar/harness..... Luckily I have the internet to entertain me and I'll be commenting on and sharing it with you so stay tuned for cool training videos, cute photos, useful behaviour tips and my observations of the magical world of dogs.
Until next time . . . .
Nat x


  1. Glad to see you are keeping your mind active while you are recuperating.

    1. Brain's doing ok, just the body letting me down! :) x
